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Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un servicio diferencial, innovador y de calidad basado en la gestión activa de las inversiones.

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Discover your investor profile.

Meet Juan, Marta, and Macarena:

Today, there are various mechanisms to determine your risk profile, including simulation tools that can define it with just a few simple questions. However, there is nothing like knowing yourself. We introduce you to Juan, Marta, and Macarena, examples of the quintessential investment profiles. With whom do you identify the most?

Juan is 64 years old, lives in Málaga with his wife, and is about to retire. He owns two properties, one that he uses as his primary residence and another that he rents out.

He has 100,000 euros that he has diligently saved over the years in his bank. His children are already in the workforce, and his main financial goal is to ensure his savings do not lose purchasing power so he can live comfortably in retiremen.

Juan has never invested in the stock market; he placed his savings in a deposit account recommended by his bank. However, he would like to achieve a bit more return over a longer period than what deposits offer. Juan is afraid of losing his money and prefers to earn less return rather than suffer a decline in his savings.

Anta Quality Renta Fija 0-3

Fondo de inversión que invierte a nivel global en bonos de elevada calidad crediticia con un vencimiento de corto plazo, lo que le permite amortiguar las posibles caídas convirtiéndole en un producto apropiado para un perfil de riesgo conservador o con una menor tolerancia a la volatilidad.

Marta is 41 years old, lives in Valencia with her husband and their 7-year-old daughter. They recently bought a house and have the capacity to invest 500 euros every month in investment funds.

Marta and her husband have taken their first steps in the financial markets and have some money saved in a short-term fixed income investment fund

After careful consideration and seeing that they have not achieved the expected returns, they want to take on a slightly higher level of risk to increase the possibility of obtaining greater profits.

Anta Quality Fixed Income 0-3:

Investment fund that invests globally in high-quality credit bonds with a short-term maturity, allowing it to cushion potential declines, making it an appropriate product for a conservative risk profile or with a lower tolerance for volatility.

Macarena invests independently in stocks; however, she believes she is not doing it as efficiently as possible, assuming high risk. She is in search of a team of professionals who have in-depth knowledge of the financial markets.

She lives with her parents and has an average monthly expense of 200€ on entertainment and another 150€ on her car payment. Macarena has a high savings capacity; she knows she is young and has her whole life ahead of her, so she can afford to start planning to buy a house in 10 or 15 years.

Macarena invests independently in companies, but she believes she is not doing it in the best possible way and with too much risk; she is looking for professionals who have a deep understanding of the market and companies.

Anta Quality Global Equity

An investment fund that invests globally in high-quality companies, leaders in their sector, with low debt and strong competitive advantages, making it suitable for a profile seeking more attractive long-term returns.

Dynamic Profiles

Investment profiles are dynamic and therefore vary as each individual gains experience, knowledge, and confidence. The rule of any investment portfolio is diversification and the ability to combine different types of assets classes. Therefore, it is advisable to work alongside a financial advisor who can guide us through this process and help allocate different weights to different funds based on our investor profile. Establishing a habit of regular saving and investment is essential when planning your finances and your future.